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Absract: The complexity of genre attribution of Old Russian literature dated to the 11th–17th centuries is connected with the general methodological problem of description and systematization of genres, caused by the mobility of genre definitions in Old Russian texts and of the inability to give a clear definition to one or the other Medieval narrative. The text “About troubles and sorrows...” placed in the Pskov chronicle, laconically telling about the events of the Time of Troubles, is a bright sample of the combination of various, implicit genre forms, the most unusual of which is the ‘failed’ novel. The first three episodes have a simple composition with a minimum set of elements and represent a three-term structure, genetically ascending to the novel. However, author transformed the specifics of the entertainment genre, building the narrative on the compositional principles of the novel, but radically changing the distinctive feature of its outcome: the plot in each episode has the expected ending, ‘falcon turn’ is absent, instead of it there is a new round of spiral developing events of the Time of Troubles, ‘humorous impulse’ is replaced by a tragic pathos, and the repeatability of paradoxical for the Russian history plots of criminal reign gives rise to the idea of never-ending ‘troubles and sorrows and misfortunes’. In search of an adequate form of capturing unusual events for Russian history, author resorts to an unusual genre form for telling about historical facts. In the bowels of the historical narrative begins to emerge a new fiction genre. But the original author’s text was subjected to editorial change, and a religious interpretation of events was introduced in the entertaining by nature genre. As a result, before us is the text, which reveals the ‘failed’ novel consisting of three episodes, illustrating the apocalyptic scale of the tragedy unfolded in the Russian land. 
Keywords: “About troubles and sorrows”, novel, composition, interpretation, genre attribution
DOI: 10.31857/S241377150003924-9
Pages: 64-71
Author: 64-71
Information about the author: Senior Researcher. Affiliation: Institute of World Literature. A.M. Gorky Russian Academy of Sciences Address: Russian Federation

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