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Absract: The study of the terms used to denote spiritual kinship, i.e. the relationship arising between the participants in the baptism rite, has been carried out on the basis of the dialects of one region (Arkhangelsk). The terms inventory includes both the general Russian terms (godfather, godson) and the dialectal ones (божатка). The words-coinage follows the usual process of word formation, with the help of various suffixes (krestnushka,крёстнушка), phonemic variations (хрёстна), grammatical variants associated with the types of declination or substantivization – the regular transition of adjectives into a noun (крестовый). In addition, the substantivized adjective can lose adjectival declination, while turning into a new noun (хрёстна, у хрёстны). Often the terms of consanguinity (mother, father, parents, daughter, son) are used as the terms of spiritual kinship. Particular attention is paid to the overlappings of the consanguinity and spiritual kinship meanings, when, for instance, one and the same person turnes out to be an aunt (or sister) and the godmother at the same time. When addresing this person, a related child (and then an adult) would prefer a spiritual-kinship name (over that by consanguinity). The role of the godparents is considered during the rite of baptism, at the wedding, and overall in the life of a godchild. There are given some examples of figurativefunctioning of the spiritual kinship terminology. The use of baptism-related terms is noted in relation to nominating and addressing both the community (baptized, orthodox) and individuals (божоный, молёный, умоленый, христовый). 
Keywords: kinship terminology, spiritual kinship terminology, the rite of Baptism, Russian Dialectology, Northern dialects
DOI: 10.31857/S241377150003925-0
Pages: 72-79
Author: Irina Kachinskaya
Information about the author: Research Fellow at the Department of Russian Language. Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University Address: Russian Federation

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