The Editorial Board of the Journal Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Literatury i Yazyka [Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Language and Literature] acts in compliance with the norms and accepted standards defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and in accordance with editorial practices of internationally acknowledged scholarly journals and publishers.

To keep the publishing standards high and to ensure the quality of publications, all participants in the editorial process should adhere to ethical standards recognized by the international academic community, taking steps to prevent endangering of these standards.


  1. Authorship

A manuscript of an article should be submitted to the Journal by its author who meets the criteria for authorship, and the information about all the co-authors should be included. The submitted work and its essential substance should be neither redundant (i.e. has been published before) nor duplicate (i.e. being considered for publication elsewhere). The research presented in the article should be original and new. Research misconduct (e.g. data fabrication, falsification or plagiarism) is unacceptable; all primary sources should be indicated. The author should provide information about research funding; contributors who do not qualify as authors should also be acknowledged and their particular contribution described.


  1. Responsibilities of Authors

Each author is expected to cooperate with the Editorial Board during the editing process: to carry out minor revisions requested by the editors. If the author him/herself notices inaccuracies in the manuscript while it is being reviewed or edited, he/she is expected to notify the editor about the corrections as soon as possible. The authors are responsible for correct citation and accurate referencing of the sources, as well as fair use of all copyrighted material. If the Editorial Board accepts the manuscript (research article, scholarly survey, book review, chronicle, etc.) for publication, the authors are requested to sign the License Agreement stating that the published materials become copyright property of the Russian Academy of Sciences (represented here by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal), while the authors of these materials retain the right to non-commercial use of the published content (posting it on online platforms associated with the authors or their institutions).


  1. Referees and their Responsibilities

The Editorial Board of the Journal Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Literatury i Yazyka [Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Language and Literature] considers contributions dealing with the academic field covered by the journal and ensures a fair and appropriate peer-review process. The Editorial Board cooperates with an extensive circle of experts and checks that there are no potential conflicts of interest between the authors and their reviewers. To make impartial evaluation possible, the manuscripts sent for reviews are blinded (contain no authors’ names or affiliations on them). The identities of reviewers are hidden from the authors either. The Journal adheres to the double-blind peer review policy. The reviewer has to provide an evaluation of a scholarly work, determining its suitability for publication and upholding academic standards. Unethical comments are not acceptable.


  1. The Editorial Board, the Editors and Their Responsibilities

The Editorial Board is committed to the highest possible publishing standards; it makes certain that the Editorial and Publication Ethics is maintained in its integrity. The Editorial Board selects materials for publication in the Journal and, upon consideration of peer reviews and collective editorial scrutiny, decides whether the submissions should be rejected or accepted for publication. If a submission contains inaccuracies, the Editorial Board requests a revision (the author should respond to the reviewer or editorial comments), retaining the right to reject the unrevised or improperly re-submitted materials.


The Editorial Board and the Editors protects confidentiality and does not disclose the identity of reviewers to authors.


The Editors hold the responsibility of high-quality editing of works accepted for publication in the Journal.


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The authors, members of the Editorial Board, reviewers and editors are requested to follow the Journal’s Editorial and Publication Ethics.