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Absract: The present article containing two chapters, consistently considers the newspaper sources for V.B. Shklovsky’s article “The Southwest”  and his theoretical concept on the relationship between “fable”  and “plot” of the literary work. In Chapter 1, special attention is paid to the connection between the image of the “Levantine” from the “South-West”  by V.B. Shklovsky and the pseudonym articles by V.E. Jabotinsky from the “Kerch-Theodosius Courier”  newspaper  (1910–1911), concerning the man of the Levant and his cultures; the ratio of “Tramps”  from Maxim Gorky’s stories  44 and plays and “Cossacks”  from I. Babel’s “Hors Army”  are compared with the article by V. Jabotinsky from the newspaper “Rus’&8j1; (1908), that compared the same “Tramps”  by Gorky and the “Jews” from the stories by an important predecessor of the “Southwest School”  – S. Yushkevich. It is important that their titles are the same as in Babel’s stories. As an immediate reason for writing the “Southwest” , the article by N. Ushakov in the “Evening Kiev” , 1928, is considered. According to the author, it responded to the article by V.B. Shklovsky, 1924, “Luminaries revolving around satellites...”, which was included in the so-called “Hamburg score”. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the relationship between the “fable” and “plot” of V.B. Shklovsky’s theories belonging to the second half of the 1910s. After M. Weisskopf, the author compares this texts of 1917 with the article “Fable”  by V. Zhabotinsky from the “Russian Gazette”, 1916, by reading deep into the articles by V. Zhabotinsky published in 1903 in the “Odessa News”  and devoted to the relationship between “plot” and “fiction”. It is shown that these articles clearly precede the “Fable”. All these observations from the first and the second parts of the article are summarized in the analysis of the figure of P. Storitsyn, whose stories, according to V. Shklovsky in the “Hamburg Account”, formed the basis for Babel’s stories.
Keywords: V.B. Shklovsky, “fable” and “plot”, V.E. Jabotinsky, “Kerch-Theodosius Courier”, “Rus’”, the man of the Levant, N. Ushakov, E. Bagritsky, the “tramps” by Gorky, S. Yushkevich, P. Storitsyn.
DOI: 10.31857/S241377150001112-6
Pages: 45-65
Author: Leonid Katsis
Information about the author: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Educational and Scholarly Center for Biblical Studies and Judaica, Head of the Scientific Research Laboratory of Mandelstam Studies of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Affiliation: The Russian State University for the Humanities Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

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