PDF: http://izv-oifn.ru/articles/12/public/12-372-1-PB.pdf
Absract: The article analyzes poetological motifs and images that compile an independent metapoetic plot in Goethe’s West-Eastern Divan. From the point of view of the author of this article, the unity of the book is achieved by means of the subject motif of the “oral”, “stated” word. This Word becomes the cornerstone of both the natural “living” form (Gestalt) and the poetic form. Thus, on the cross-border of different cultures, Goethe locates his creative space, where he eliminates the distinction between the Eastern poetic word, which escapes the exact definition by recourse to hints and allusions, and the Western plastic form of a symbol.
Pages: 30-40
Author: I N. Lagutina


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