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Absract: The article considers the reliance of the ideological structure of the Lermontov’s novel A Hero of Our Time upon spiritual constants (traits) of the main hero’s personality. The author suggests that it is possible to point them out by studying the critical situations of each story, which the main hero encounters and which contain the relevant features for finding out the basis of the hero’s values. These critical situations, key plot episodes in the stories of the novel, perform certain ideational/compositional function: they encapsulate the general meaning of the novel. The author of the article refers to the following plot episodes, which he calls the critical situations here: the gaining of Bela’s love, departure to Persia, fighting with the Undina, the duel with Grushnitskiy and breaking up with Knyazhna Mery, fate testing in “Fatalist”. The final import of the article is that every attempt to interpret the Pechorin phenomenon should take into account the understanding of the hero’s critical encounters.
Keywords: spiritual constants, critical situations: life and death, idea/compositional function, inner values, soul, love, truth
DOI: 10.31857/S241377150002551-9
Pages: 62-68
Author: Georgy Moskvin
Information about the author: Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

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