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Absract: The article probes into such key conventional ideas as stratification of the Russian national language, the notionThe article probes into such key conventional ideas as stratification of the Russian national language, the notionof the Russian literary language as a tongue not sharing a specific codified norm with the other-than-literarylanguages, the securing of functional styles to their oral and written forms, the place the oral speech takeswithin the system of literary and national language. Our analysis takes into consideration the contemporarystate of the language (the end of the 20th – the start of the 21st centuries) and focuses on the issues, which,according to the author of the article, require clarification and further development.
Keywords: national language, literary language, linguistic norm, codification, colloquialistics, sociolect, written communicative speech
Pages: 13-28
Author: Elena I. Litnevskaya
Information about the author: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language at the Department of Philology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1 Humanities Building, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia litn-elena@mail.ru


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