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Absract: The article analyzes similar motives in the works of the English ‘lake romantic’ William Wordsworth (1770–The article analyzes similar motives in the works of the English ‘lake romantic’ William Wordsworth (1770–1850) and the Scottish neo-romantic writer Kenneth Grahame (1859–1932). We consider the followingtechniques used by Grahame: direct and indirect quotations from Wordsworth, use of allusions andreminiscences, parody, rethinking of key concepts specific to the English romanticism. Particular attention ispaid to the evolution of K. Grahame’s creative methods, which is easy to notice when his texts (an essay andthe novel) are read against one of the important sources – W. Wordsworth’s “Prelude”.
Keywords: K. Grahame, W. Wordsworth, Neo-Romanticism as a rebirth of the Romantic style in the 20th century, parody, spiritual growth, romantic insights, image of the wind, ‘correspondent breeze’, Aeolian harp, ‘spots of time’.
Pages: 72-80
Department: Materials and Notes
Author: Georgiy A. Veligorsky
Information about the author: Postgraduate Student at the Department of Classical Western Literatures and Comparative Studies of the Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS, 25-a Povarskaya Str., Moscow 121069, Russia, 25а screamer90@mail.ru


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