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Absract: The present publication introduces for the first time an article of 1928 in French by D.P. Sviatopolk-MirskiiThe present publication introduces for the first time an article of 1928 in French by D.P. Sviatopolk-Mirskii(Prince D.S. Mirsky, 1890–1939), the literary critic and historian of literature. Published in the Frenchmagazine “Commerce”, apart from its importance in illustrating Sviatopolk-Mirski’s views on Pushkin, thearticle offers valuable testimony concerning contacts between Russian émigré and French intellectuals in thisperiod. It has not previously been translated into Russian.
Keywords: D.P. Sviatopolk-Mirskii, Pushkin, Russian emigration, “Commerce”, translation, Russian literature.
Pages: 67–75
Department: Materials and Notes
Author: Marina A. Arias-Vikhil
Information about the author: Senior Researcher at the Institute of World Literature of the RAS, 25a Povarskaia St, Moscow, 121069, Russia marina.arias@mail.ru
Author 2: Mikhail V. Efimov
Information about the author 2: Senior Researcher at the Vyborg Castle Museum, candidate for PhD degree at the Institute of Russian Literature (the Pushkin House) of the RAS, Castle Island 1, Vyborg, Leningrad Region, 188800, Russia mikhail.v.efimov@gmail.com


1. Mirsky D.S. Sur Pouchkine // Commerce. 1928. Cahier XVI. P. 83–97.

2. Smith G.S. D.S. Mirsky: A Russian-English Life. 1890– 1939. Oxford, 2000.

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5.  [Sviatopolk-Mirsky, D.P. Poety i Rossiia: stat’i, retsenzii, portrety, nekrologi / Sost., podg. tekstov, prim. i vstup. st. V.V. Perkhina [Poets and Russia: Articles, Reviews, Portraits, Obituaries. Ed. and Comp. V.V. Perkhin]. St. Petersburg, 2002.]

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8. Mirsky D.S. A History of Russian Literature from the Earliest Times to the Death of Dostoyevsky (1881). London – New York, 1927.

9. Mirsky D.S. Pushkin. The Slavonic Review. 1923 (June). Vol. 2. № 4. Р. 71–84. 10. Mirsky D.S. Uncollected Writings on Russian Literature. Edited, with an Introduction and Bibliography, by G.S. Smith. Berkeley: Berkeley Slavic Specialties, 1989. (Modern Russian Literature and Culture, Studies and Texts, vol. 13).

11.[Mirsky, D. O literature i iskusstve: Stat’i i retsenzii 1922–1937 / Sost., podg. tekstov, komment., mat-ly k bibliografii O.A. Korosteleva i M.V. Efimova; vstup. stat’ia Dzh. Smita [On Literature and Art: Articles and Reviews, 1922–1937. Edited, Compiled, and with a Bibliography, by O. Korostelev and M. Efimov; Introduction by G. Smith]. Moscow, 2014.]

12. [“Sud’ia strogii, no pravednyi”: Stat’i i retsenzii D. Mirskogo v zhurnale “The Slavonic Review” (1922–1929). Publ., vstupit. st. i komment. O.A. Korosteleva i M.V. Efimova; per. s angl. M.V. Efimova [“A Severe but Righteous Judge”: Articles and Reviews by D.S. Mirsky in “The Slavonic Review” (1922–1929). Edited by O. Korostelev and M. Efimov. Translated by M. Efimov]. Russkaia literatura [Russian Literature]. 2013. № 2. P. 199–232.]

13.  [K. V. [Mochul’sky, K.V. [New on Pushkin]. Zveno. 1924. January 28. № 52. P. 3.]

14.  [Efimov, M. [How Mirsky’s Pushkin Was Made: the Biography of a Classic and the Self-Representation of the Author]. [Transnational Russian Culture. Proceedings of the International Conference, Helsinki. 2015]. Moscow, 2018 (in press).]

15. D.S.M. Pis’ma Pushkina k Elizavete Mikhaylovne Khitrovo. 1827–1832. (Letters of Pushkin to Elizabeth M. Hitrovo.) Publication of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Leningrad, 1927. 3 roubles // The Slavonic and East European Review. 1928. Vol. 7. № 19. Р. 228.

16. D.S.M. Pouchkine: Oeuvres choisies. Introduction, traduction et notes par André Lirondelle, Professeur à l’Université de Lille. Paris (La Renaissance du Livre), 1926 // The Slavonic and East European Review. 1929. Vol. 7. № 20. Р. 457.

17. La rivista “Commerce” e Marguerite Caetani. Direzione di Sophie Levie. III. Letters from D.S. Mirsky and Helen Iswolsky to Marguerite Caetani. Edited by Sophie Levie and Gerald S. Smith. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2015.

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19.  [Sviatopolk- Mirsky, D. [Critical Notes]. Vyorsts [Milestones]. 1928. No. 3. P. 155–160.]

20. Mandelstam O. Le Timbre Egyptien / Traduit par D.S. Mirsky et G. Limbour // Commerce. 1930. Cahier XXIV. P. 119–168.

21. Pouchkine A. Le Maure de Pierre le Grand (traduit du russe par H. Iswolsky) // Commerce. 1926. Cahier VII. P. 193–199.

22. Pouchkine A. La dame de pique. Traduction de J. Schiffrin, B. de Schloezer et A. Gide, avant-propos d’ André Gide, illustrations de Vassili Choukhaeff. Paris: Éditions de la Pléiade, 1923.

23. Pouchkine A. Le Coup de feu (traduit du russe par André Gide et Jacques Schiffrin) // Commerce. 1928. Cahier XVI. P. 53–81.

24. Mirsky D.S. T.S. Eliot et la fin de la poésie bourgeoise // Echanges. 1931. № 5. P. 44–58.

25. Pushkin A. The Queen of Spades / Translated by J.E. Pouterman, C. Bruerton. Engravings in colour by A. Alexeieff. Preface by Prince D. Sviatopolk-Mirsky. London, 1928. P. 11–18.

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27. Milton J. A Brief History of Moscovia and of other less-known Countries lying eastward of Russia as far as Cathay, gathered from the writings of several Eyewitnesses, with an introduction by Prince Mirsky. London: The Blackamore Press, 1929.

28. D.S. Mirsky: Twenty-two letters (1926–34) to Salomeya Halpern; seven letters (1930) to Vera Suvchinskaya (Traill) / Ed. by R. Davies, G.S. Smith // Oxford Slavonic papers. 1997. Vol. XXX. P. 89–120.

29. Pouchkine: 1837–1937 / Textes recueillis et annotés par J.E. Pouterman. Paris: Editions sociales internationales, 1937.

30. Meynieux A. Trois stylistes, traducteurs de Pouchkine – Mérimée, Tourguénev, Flaubert. Essai de traduction comparé.– (Cahiers d’études littéraires). – Paris, 1962.

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32. Gourmon R., de. La comparaison et la métaphore // Le Problème du style, VII. Paris: Mercure de France, 1902.

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34. [Vosem’ bel’giiskikh p’es: perevod s flamandskogo i frantsuzskogo. Sost. I.D. Shkunaev; avt. st. L. Andreev [Eight Belgian Plays: Translation from Flemish and French. Comp. by I. Shkunaev, Introduction by L. Andreev]. Moscow, 1975. P. 89–196.]