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Absract: Drawing on the lexical material represented in the Slavic Linguistic Atlas, the article describes the groups, into which the Serbian and Croatian dialects are divided. Lexical distinctions demonstrate the differentiation of the Croatian-Serbian continuum, which consists of the North-Western Croatian area, Adriatic area, Montenegrin area, Eastern and Central Serbian area, as well as of the Western and Eastern areas.
Keywords: The Slavic Linguistic Atlas, Serbian language, Croatian language, lexis, dialect, area studies, linguistic geography.
Pages: 5-11
Department: The XVI International Symposium of the Slavists
Author: Ekaterina I. Yakushkina
Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Scienses, Assistant Professor at the Department of Slavic Philology of the Philological School of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1–51 Leninskie gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russia jkatia@yandex.ru


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