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- Absract:
The present article discussed the problem of the Russian verbal aspect. Consideration was given to the perfective and imperfective verbs as features which demonstrate that different are only the paradigm and collocations. The differences between these two types are not so simple from the semantic standpoint. Such semantic characteristics as “one time” or “result” always are characteristic of the perfective verbs and never occur in the imperfective ones, all other features of the aspect being characteristic of the verbs of both types. For all forms of the speech activities, the semantic one is the most important. However, the semantic values combine not only according to the rule 1 + 1 = 2, but also 1 + 1 = 1 and 1 + 1 = 3. This happens in many words, sentences, and texts, and is extremely important in the field of aspect where the two aforementioned rules act very often, but perfectness or imperfectness of the verbs are of rather limited value.
- Keywords:
Category: Vol 74, NO 1 (2015)
- Pages:
- Author:
I. G. Miloslavsky I.G.
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