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Absract: The Institute for Slavic Studies of the RAS under the Historical-and-Philological Division of the RussianThe Institute for Slavic Studies of the RAS under the Historical-and-Philological Division of the RussianAcademy of Sciences, is a unique academic institution in Russia, conducting a wide range of researchin Slavic history and culture, Slavic literatures and languages. The Institute opened in January 1947.To mark the 70th Anniversary of their Institute, the affiliated scholars offer an account of the notableaccomplishments in linguistic and literary studies, linked with the institution, and delineate the areas ofresearch.
Keywords: Slavic studies, slavicists, Slavic nations, Slavic history and culture, Slavic literatures, Slavic languages.
Pages: 5-15
Author: Ludmila N. Budagova
Information about the author: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of the Slavic Literatures History at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS, 32-A Leninskiy Prospect, Moscow, 119991, Russia ludmila.budagova@gmail.com
Author 2: Anna A. Plotnikova
Information about the author 2: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head Researcher at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS, 32-A Leninskiy Prospect, Moscow, 119991, Russia annaplotn@mail.ru


1. [Institut slavyanovedeniya RAN v 2016 godu. Plany 2017 goda. Spravochnik. Otv. red. E.S. Uzenyova [The Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS in 2016. Plans for 2017. Guidebook. Uzenyova, E.S. (Ed.)]. Moscow, 2016.]

2. [Karpato- balkanskij dialektnyj landshaft. Yazyk i kul'tura. Pamyati Galiny Petrovny Klepikovoj. Otv. red. A.A. Plotnikova [Carpathian-Balkan Dialect Landscape. Language and Culture. In Memoriam of Galina Petrovna Klepikova. Plotnikova, A.A. (Ed.)]. Moscow, 2008; Karpato- balkanskij dialektnyj landshaft. Yazyk i kul'tura. 2009– 2011. Otv. red. A.A. Plotnikova. Vyp. 2 [Carpathian- Balkan Dialect Landscape. Language and Culture. Plotnikova, A.A. (Ed.). Iss. 2]. Moscow, 2012; Karpato- balkanskij dialektnyj landshaft: yazyk i kul'tury. 2012– 2014. Otv. red. A.A. Plotnikova. Vyp. 3 [Carpathian- Balkan Dialect Landscape: Language and Cultures. Plotnikova, A.A. (Ed.). Iss. 3]. Moscow, 2014.]

3.  [Vendina, T.I. Russkie dialekty v obshcheslavyanskom kontekste (leksika) [Russian Dialects in Slavic Context (Lexicon)]. Moscow, 2009.]

4.  [Vendina, T.I. Tipologiya leksicheskih arealov Slavii [Typology of the Slavic Lexical Areas]. St. Petersburg, 2014.]

5.  [Nikolaeva, T.M. [Typology and Comparative Linguistics of Slavic and Balkan Languages] Institut slavyanovedeniya i balkanistiki. 50 let [The Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies. The 50 th Anniversary]. Moscow, 1996. P. 217–234.]

6.  [Antropocentrizm v yazyke i kul'ture. Otv. red. S.M. Tolstaya [Anthropocentrism in Language and Culture. Tolstaya, S.M. (Ed.)]. Moscow, 2017.]