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Absract: The paper deals with the Russian demonstrative pronouns ‘tot’ (that) and ‘etot’ (this) as components of tense markers, such as ‘v etom godu’ (this year), ‘v to leto’ (last summer), ‘toi zimoi’ (last winter), ‘na etoi nedele’ (this week), etc. Demonstrative pronouns in these contexts can be used either anaphorically (‘v tot god’ = ‘in the year in question’) or deictically (‘v etom godu’ = ‘in the current year’). Deictic uses can be either ordinary, with reference to the present (‘na etoi nedele’ = ‘during the current week’) or specific – with reference to the past or future (‘v etu sredu’ = ‘last / coming Wednesday’). It turns out that different tense markers reveal different degree of preference to this or that interpretation. The set of available interpretations depends on: a) the type of the pronoun (‘v tom godu’ = ‘last /future /*current’ year, but ‘v etom godu’ = ‘current /*last /*future’ year); b) morpho-syntactic structure of the tense marker (deictic interpretation for ‘v tom godu’, Prepositional case = ‘last’ year, but only anaphoric interpretation for ‘v tot god’, Accusative case); c) the semantic class of the lexeme expressing the time interval (æetoi nochiu’ = ‘last’ night, but ‘v etom godu’ = ‘in the current’ year); d) the concrete lexeme (‘etim vecherom’ = ‘future /*last’ evening, but ‘etim utrom’= ‘last /*future’ morning).
Keywords: demonstrative pronouns, deixis, anaphora, tense modifier. Ключевые слова: указательные местоимения, дейксис, анафора, обст
Pages: 5–17
Author: Elena V. Paducheva
Information about the author: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head Researcher of the Federal Research Center “Informatics and Management” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilova Str., Moscow, 119333, Russia elena.paducheva@yandex.ru
Author 2: Natalia M. Stoynova
Information about the author 2: andidate of Philological Sciences, Researcher at the V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 18-2 Volkhonka Str., Moscow, 119019, Russia stoynova@yandex.ru



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