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49. [Kireyeva, N.V. Mezhdu elitarnym i massovym: Novyye strategii pisatel’skogo povedeniya i zhanrovaya poetika postmodernistskoy literatury SSHA [Between Elite and Mass: New Strategies of the Writer’s Behavior and the Postmodernist US Literature Genre Poetics]. Blagoveshchensk, 2007. 275 p.] ПРОШЛОЕ И НАСТОЯЩЕЕ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ США 59 ИЗВЕСТИЯ РАН. СЕРИЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ И ЯЗЫКА том 76 № 3 2017
50. [Panova, O.Yu. “Tsvetnyye miry”: Amerikanskaya literatura v poiskakh natsional’noy samobytnosti [“Coloured Worlds”: American Literature in Search of the National Identity]. Moscow, 2014. 264 p.]
51. [Karasik, O.B. Yevreyskaya literatura SSHA na rubezhe XX–XXI vekov: v poiskakh identichnosti [The Jewish American Literature at the Turn of XX– XXI Centuries: in Search of the Identity]. Kazan, 2015. 308 p.]
52. [Balditsyn, P.V., Nesmelova, O.O. [The Narrative Strategy of the Tall Tale in Mark Twain’ Novels]. Uchenyye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarnyye nauki [Scientific Notes of the Kazan University. Series: Humanities]. 2013. Vol. 155. No. 2. P. 168–176.]
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