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Absract: The article deals with the process of studying the US literature in Russia of the 2000–2010s. The completion of the academic “History of the USA literature” combined the results of Soviet and post-Soviet American studies. This edition turned out to be an important landmark in the development of the Russian literary scholarship. In this context the detailed assessment of the main trends of the development of the Russian studies in American literature is crucially important. The monographs on the History of the USA literature and work of the prominent writers of 19 th  – the beginning of 21 st century, collections of articles, other publications show high level of the Russian literary studies. This survey touches upon some unsolved problems and the prospects for further research of the American literature.
Keywords: the US literature, Russian American studies, genre poetics, American Modernist and post- Modernist fiction, ethnic literature.
Pages: 47-59
Department: Materials and Notes
Author: Oleg E. Osovskiy
Information about the author: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at the N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University, 68 Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk, 430005, Russia osovskiy_oleg@mail.ru


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4.  [Kizima, M.P. Rets. na kn.: Istoriya literatury SShA. T. IV. Literatura posledney treti XIX v.: 1865–1900 (stanovleniye realizma). M.: IMLI RAN, 2003. 860 s. [Rec. ad op.: History of the USA Literature. Vol. IV. The Literature of the Last Third of the XIXth Century: 1865–1900 (the Formation of Realism). Moscow: Institute of World Literature, RAS, 2003. 860 p.]. Izvestiya RAN. Seriya literatury i yazyka [Bulletin of the RAS: Studies in Literature and Language]. 2005. Vol. 64. No. 3. P. 74–77.]

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10.  [Osovskiy, O.Ye. [United States of America: Literature]. Bol’shaya rossiyskaya entsiklopediya [The Great Russian Encyclopedia]. Moscow, 2015. V. 30. P. 611–613.]

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17.  [Venediktova, T.D. “Razgovor po- amerikanski”. Diskurs torga v literaturnoy traditsii SShA [“Talking the American Way”: The Discourse Bargain in the US Literary Tradition]. Moscow, 2003. 328 p.]

18. О [Osovskiy, O.Ye. V zerkale “drugogo”: retseptsiya nauchnogo naslediya M.M. Bakhtina v anglo-amerikanskom literaturovedenii 1960 – serediny 1990-kh godov [In the Mirror of “the Other”: the Reception of M.M. Bakhtin’s Legacy in the Anglo-American Literary Studies in 1960s – mid 1990s]. Saransk, 2003. 147 p.]

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23.  [Golovacheva, I.V. Fantastika i fantasticheskoye: poetika i pragmatika anglo-amerikanskoy fantasticheskoy literatury [The Fantastic and Fantastical: Poetics and Pragmatics of the Anglo-American Science Fiction]. St. Petersburg, 2013. 420 p.]

24.  [Morozova, I.V. “Yuzhnyy mif” v proizvedeniyakh pisatel’nits Starogo Yuga [The “Southern Myth” in the Works of the Old South Women Writers]. St. Petersburg, 2004. 247 p.]

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26.  [Shamina, V.B. Puti razvitiya amerikanskoy dramy: istoki, tipologiya, traditsii [The American Drama Ways of Evolution: the Origins, Typology and Traditions]. Kazan, 2007. 296 p.]

27.  [Osipova, E.F. Zagadki Edgara Po: issledovaniya i kommentarii [The Mysteries of Edgar Allan Poe: Studies and Comments]. St. Petersburg, 2004. 171 p.]

28.  [Urakova, A.P. Poetika tela v rasskazakh Edgara Allana Po [The Poetics of the Body in Edgar Allan Poe’s Stories]. Moscow, 2009. 252 p.]

29.  [Stetsenko, Ye.A. Ekologicheskoye soznaniye v sovremennoy amerikanskoy literature [The Environmental Consciousness in Modern American Literature]. Moscow, 2002. 320 p.]

30. Стеценко Е.А. Концепты хаоса и порядка в лите- ратуре США. От дихотомической к синергети- ческой картине мира. М., 2009. 259 с. [Stetsenko, Ye.A. Kontsepty khaosa i poryadka v literature SShA. Ot dikhotomicheskoy k sinergeticheskoy kartine mira. [The Concepts of Chaos and Order in the US Literature. From Dichotomous to Synergetic Vision of the World]. Moscow, 2009. 259 p.]

31.[Stetsenko, 58 ОСОВСКИЙ ИЗВЕСТИЯ РАН. СЕРИЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ И ЯЗЫКА том 76 № 3 2017 Ye.A. Sud’by Ameriki v sovremennom romane SShA [The Fate of America in the Contemporary American Novel]. Moscow, 1994. 237 p.]

32.  [Balditsyn, P.V. Tvorchestvo Marka Tvena i natsional’nyy kharakter amerikanskoy literatury [Mark Twain’s Work and the National Character of American Literature]. Moscow, 2004. 300 p.]

33.  [Lunina, I.Ye. Khudozhestvennyy mir Dzheka Londona: Monografiya [The World of Jack London: Monograph]. Moscow, 2009. 336 p.]

34.  [Zverev, A.M. Modernizm v literature SShA: formirovaniye, evolyutsiya, krizis [The Modernism in American Literature: the Formation, Evolution and Crisis]. Moscow, 1979. 318 p.]

35.  [Morzhenkova, N.V. Avangardistskiy eksperiment Gertrudy Stayn: v poiskakh zhanra [The Avant-Garde Experiment of Gertrude Stein: in Search of the Genre]. Moscow, 2012. 293 p.]

36. Аствацатуров А.А. Генри Миллер и его “парижская трилогия”. М., 2010. 344 с. [Astvatsaturov, A.A. Genri Miller i yego “parizhskaya trilogiya” [Henry Miller and his “Paris Trilogy”]. Moscow, 2010. 344 p.]

37. Осипова Э.Ф. Американский роман от Купе- ра до Лондона. Очерки по истории романа США XIX века. СПб., 2014. 204 с. [Osipova, E.F. Amerikanskiy roman ot Kupera do Londona. Ocherki po istorii romana SSHA XIX veka [The American Novel from Cooper to London. The Essays on the XIXth American Novel History]. St. Petersburg, 2014. 204 p.]

38.  [Nikitina, I.V. Mifopoetika “List’yev travy” U. Uitmena [The Mithopoetics of W. Whitman’ “Leaves of Grass”]. N. Novgorod, 2013. 175 p.]

39.  [Osovskiy, O.Ye., Asanina, M.Yu. “Smekhovoye slovo” v proze Uil’yama Folknera 1920-kh – nachala 1930-kh godov [The “Laughter Discourse” in William Faulkner’s Fiction of 1920s – early 1930s]. Saransk, 2007. 108 p.]

40.  [Muratkhanova, O.V. Khudozhestvennoye svoyeobraziye rasskazov U. Folkrnera: formirovaniye novellisticheskogo tsikla v proze 1930-kh godov [The Specific of W. Folkrner’s Stories: the Formation of the Short Story Cycle in 1930s]. Ulyanovsk, 2009. 112 p.]

41. [Kireyeva, N.V. Zhanrovyy kod romana T. Pinchona “Vykrikivayetsya lot 49” [Don DeLillo: The Writer in the Postmodernism Space]. Petrozavodsk, 2006. 172 p.]

42. [Prozorov, V.G. Don Delillo: Pisatel’ v prostranstve postmodernizma [Paul Auster: The Art of the Right Questions]. Petrozavodsk, 2009. 104 p.]

43.  [Prozorov, V.G. Pol Oster: Iskusstvo pravil’nykh voprosov [Paul Auster: The Art of the Right Questions]. Petrozavodsk, 2009. 104 s.]

44.  [Karasik, O.B. Etnicheskoye svoyeobraziye romanov Filipa Rota [The Ethnic Originality of Philip Roth’s Novels]. Kazan, 2009. 136 p.]

45. [Amerika: literaturnyye i kul’turnyye otobrazheniya. Pod red. O.Yu. Antsyferovoy [America: Literary and Cultural Representation. Ed. by O.J. Antsyferova]. Ivanovo, 2012. 504 p.]

46.  [Amerikanskiye kul’turnyye mify i perspektivy vospriyatiya literatury SSHA. Pamyati professora A.M. Zvereva: sb. statey. Sost. I.V. Morozova [American Cultural Myths and Prospects of the US Literature Perception. In Memoriam Professor A.M. Zverev. Ed. by I.V. Morozova]. Moscow, 2011. 381 p.]

47.  [The Americans in Search for the Identity. In Memoriam Professor A.M. Zverev. Ed. by I.V. Morozova]. Moscow, 2013. 492 p.]

48.  [Postmodernist US Literature: the Specific of Genre Poetics]. Blagoveshchensk, 2013. 383 p.]

49.  [Kireyeva, N.V. Mezhdu elitarnym i massovym: Novyye strategii pisatel’skogo povedeniya i zhanrovaya poetika postmodernistskoy literatury SSHA [Between Elite and Mass: New Strategies of the Writer’s Behavior and the Postmodernist US Literature Genre Poetics]. Blagoveshchensk, 2007. 275 p.] ПРОШЛОЕ И НАСТОЯЩЕЕ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ США 59 ИЗВЕСТИЯ РАН. СЕРИЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ И ЯЗЫКА том 76 № 3 2017

50. [Panova, O.Yu. “Tsvetnyye miry”: Amerikanskaya literatura v poiskakh natsional’noy samobytnosti [“Coloured Worlds”: American Literature in Search of the National Identity]. Moscow, 2014. 264 p.]

51. [Karasik, O.B. Yevreyskaya literatura SSHA na rubezhe XX–XXI vekov: v poiskakh identichnosti [The Jewish American Literature at the Turn of XX– XXI Centuries: in Search of the Identity]. Kazan, 2015. 308 p.]

52.  [Balditsyn, P.V., Nesmelova, O.O. [The Narrative Strategy of the Tall Tale in Mark Twain’ Novels]. Uchenyye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarnyye nauki [Scientific Notes of the Kazan University. Series: Humanities]. 2013. Vol. 155. No. 2. P. 168–176.]

53.  [Delazari, I.A. [The Pilgrimage to Yoknapatawpha]. Kul’t kak fenomen literaturnogo protsessa: avtor, tekst, chitatel’ /otv. red. M.F. Nad’yarnykh, A.P. Urakova [The Cult as a Phenomenon of the Literary Process: the Author, the Text, the Reader. Ed. by M.F. Nadyarnyh, A.P. Urakova]. Moscow, 2011. P. 212–227.]

54. . [Bronich, M.K. [Saul Bellow’s Epistolary Heritage: “Human Document” and the Novel]. Filologiya i kul’tura [Literature and Culture]. 2014. No. 3 (37). P. 80–84.]

55.  [Maslova, Ye.G. [The Peculiarity of the Magical Realism in T. Morrison’s Novel “Beloved”]. Vestnik NII gumanitarnykh nauk pri Pravitel’stve Respubliki Mordoviya [Bulletin of the Research Institute of Humanities of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia]. 2015. No. 2 (34). P. 163–172.]

56.  [Chernetsova, Ye.V. [Folklore Text in the Context of Historical Memory in the Interpretation of E.L. Doctorow]. Filologiya i kul’tura [Literature and Culture]. 2012. No. 4 (30). P. 52–54.]

57.  [Venediktova, T.D. [History of Literature in America after the “Crisis of Identity” [Rec. ad op.]: Wyatt D. Secret Histories. Reading Twentieth Century American Literature Baltimore, 2010)]. Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye [New Literary Review]. 2012. No. 118. P. 356–362.]

58. [Osovs- kiy, O.Ye. [Rec. ad op.: Denosova T.N. The History of American Literature of the XXth Century. 2nd ed. Kyiv, 2012. 487 p.]. Voprosy literatury [Topics in Literature]. 2014. No. 2. P. 376–379.]

59.  [Zinov’yeva, A.Yu., Panova, O.Yu. [“The Images of the XXth Century. Modernism: a Method or an Illusion”: Second All-Russian Conference in Memoriam L.G. Andreev (Moscow State University, June 18–20, 2009)]. Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye [New Literary Review]. 2010. No. 102. P. 410–414.]

60.  [Shulyat’yeva, D.V. [Visuality as a Challenge. XVII International Humanities Fulbright Summer School “The Visualization of Knowledge: Visual Literacy in Higher Education”]. Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye [New Literary Review]. 2015. No 2 (132). P. 437–441.]