PDF: http://izv-oifn.ru/articles/176/public/176-459-1-PB.pdf
Absract: The article discusses the problem of the impact of sociocultural parameters on the processes of perception, world interpretation and knowledge representation in discourse. The solution to the problem lies in the study of sociocultural knowledge of language speakers within a broad fi eld of their sociocultural experience that affects linguistic choices and discourse construction. Contextual instantiation of discourse is referred to as ‘the maxim of subjective discourse construction and interpretation’ according to which the semantic content of discourse is structured from a viewpoint of its participants. Units of sociocultural knowledge alongside corresponding linguistic means serve as the basis for interpreting the world and are referred to as ‘cognitive-discursive interpretant’ – a term suggested by the authors of the article. The method for investigating sociocultural discourse specifi city underpins the analysis of the corresponding sociocultural knowledge of a language speakers that constitutes the cognitive-discursive interpretant.
Pages: 29-39


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