Список литературы/ References
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2. Vdovin, A., Leibov, R. Textbooks Texts: Russian Poetry and School Practice in the 19th Century. Textbooks Texts: Russian Pedagogical Practice of the 19th Century and the Poetic Canon. Tartu, Tartu University Press Publ., 2013 (Acta Slavica Estonica, IV). (In Russian)
3. Gozenpud, A. A.A. Shakhovskoy. Shakovskoy A.A. Comedies. Poems. Leningrad, Sovetskiy Pisatel Publ., 1961. (In Russian)
4. Gretch, N.I. Brief History of Russian Literature. St. Petersburg, V Tipografii Ni. Gretcha Publ., 1822. (In Russian)
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6. Zagoskin, M. Oeuvre: In two Volumes. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura Publ., 1988. Vol. 2: Comedies. Prose. Poems. Letters. (In Russian)
7. The History of the Russian Drama Theater: In 7 Volumes. Moscow, Iskusstvo Publ., 1977. Vol. 2: 1801-1825; Ìoscow, Iskusstvo Publ, 1978. Vol. 3: 1826-1845. (In Russian)
8. Kiseleva (Kisseljova), L.N. The Magazine Spectator and Two Concepts of Patriotism in the Russian Literature of the 1800s. Issues of Typology of Russian Literature: Works on Russian and Slavic Philology: Literary Criticism. Transactions of the University of Tartu. Tartu, Tartu University Press Publ., 1985. Issue 645. (In Russian)
9. Lotman, Y. Poetry of the 1790-1810s. Poets of the 1790-1810s. Leningrad, Sovetskiy Pisatel Publ., 1971. (In Russian)
10. Novashevskaya, K. A.A. Shakhovskoy Historian of the Russian Theater. Tartu, University of Tartu Publ., 2016. https://dspace.ut.ee/bitstream/handle/10062/53749/novasevskaja_MA_2016.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (In Russian)
11. Plavilschikov, P.A. Theater. Plavilschikov P.A. Collection of the Drama Works. St. Petersburg, Giperion Publ., 2002. (In Russian)
12. Russian Thalia. A Gift to Amateurs and Lovers of the Native Theater for 1825. Published by Thaddeus Bulgarin. St. Petersburg, V Tipografii N. Gretcha Publ.,1824. (In Russian)
13. Shakovskoy, A.A. Komedii. Stihotvoreniya. Comedies. Poems. Leningrad, Sovetsky Pisatel Publ., 1961. (In Russian)