PDF: http://izv-oifn.ru/articles/27/public/27-381-1-PB.pdf
Absract: The analyzed poem belongs to the corpus of Mandelstam’s poems, which were attached to the letters sent to Vyacheslav Ivanov and other correspondents during years 1909-1910. These texts give us a key to the creative process of the young poet in the period when he was working out his style and method immediately after and under the influence of lectures which Vyacheslav Ivanov delivered at his “Tower” in the spring of 1909. The author deals with subtexts and poetic allusions of the poem and establishes its hitherto unnoticed relation to the book of Ivanov Along the Stars discussed by Mandelstam in the letter to which the poem is attached. The author also supposes that this poetic response to the book might have caused alienation between the two poets.
Pages: 54-60
Author: D. V. Frolov


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