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Pages: 50-55
Department: Reviews
Author: Mikhail Yu. Fedosyuk
Information about the author: Dосtоr of Philological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Comparative Language Studies of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 31-1 Lomonosovsky prospect, Moscow, 119192, Russia m.fedosyuk@yandex.ru


1. [Shvedova,N.Yu. Ocherki po sintaksisu russkoj razgovornoj rechi[Essays on Syntax of Russian Colloquial Speech].Moscow, AN SSSR Publ., 1960.]

2. [Shvedova, N.Yu. Aktivnye processyv sovremennom russkom sintaksise (Slovosochetanie)[Active Processes in Modern Russian Syntax (WordCombination)]. Moscow, Prosveshhenie Publ., 1966.

3. [Grammatika sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo yazyka[Grammar of the Modern Russian Literary Language]N.Yu. Shvedova (Gen. Ed.). Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1970.]

4. [Russkaya grammatika [RussianGrammar]. Vol. 1–2. N.Yu. Shvedova (Gen. Ed.). Moscow,Nauka Publ., 1980.]

5. [Ozhegov, S.I., Shvedova,N.Yu. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo yazyka [Dictionary ofRussian Language]. Moscow, AZ Publ., 1992.]

6. [Tolkovyj slovar' russkogoyazyka s vklyucheniem svedenij o proisxozhdenii slov[Dictionary of Russian Language with the Inclusion ofInformation about the Origin of Words]. N.Yu. Shvedova(Gen. Ed.). Moscow, Azbukovnik Publ., 2007.]

7. [Russkij semanticheskij slovar': Tolkovyjslovar', sistematizirovannyj po klassam slov i znachenij[Russian Semantic Dictionary: Dictionary, Systematizedby Classes of Words and Meanings]. N.Yu. Shvedova (Gen.Ed.). Vol. I–IV. Moscow, Azbukovnik Publ., 1998–2007.]

8. [Russkij ideograficheskijslovar': Mir cheloveka i chelovek v okruzhayushhem ego mire[Russian Ideographic Dictionary: The World of Man andMan in the World around Him]. N.Yu. Shvedova (Gen.Ed.). Moscow, Azbukovnik Publ., 2011.]