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Absract: The article analyzes the scholarly heritage of the largest philologist of the 19th century Nikolaj I. GrechThe article analyzes the scholarly heritage of the largest philologist of the 19th century Nikolaj I. Grech(1787-1867), who held significant positions in public and cultural life of Russia of that time. Now his workson linguistics are largely forgotten, even though they contain interesting details about the linguistic andbiographical history of his generation, reveal hidden linguistic polemics of different schools and trends,represent their author as an original thinker, who possessed the great literary skill and surely was a MasterChronicler. Here we discuss the problems of linguistic methodology associated with training manuals(textbooks) by N.I. Grech on grammar of the Russian language, which was popular especially in the first halfof the 19th century. Written in the spirit of logical-philosophical notions about the language and time-testedby criticism, they are still interesting as facts of scholarly and scientific methodologies used in Russian publicschools for teaching the native language. These works greatly influenced the subsequent tradition. The article draws attention to not-so-traditional area of professional activities of the scholar – the history of language,draws attention to not-so-traditional area of professional activities of the scholar – the history of language,which was just beginning to awaken under the influence of the German comparative studies, romantic trendsin literature, of interest to historical roots, folklore and traditional culture. In historical and linguistic ideas byN.I. Grech, despite their somewhat conservative tendency and immatureness, from a position of diachroniclinguistics, the particular author’s position is evident, supplied with unique examples and comparisons. Thesefacts disclose the scholar as a leader in his field, able to penetrate into the unfathomed depths of languageevolution. Here there are also analyzed the rare examples revealing N.I. Grech’s attitude towards theborrowing of words and to the new trends in linguistic practice of his time.
Keywords: the Russian language, grammar, linguistic methodology, philology, philosophy of language, the origin of language
Pages: 59-68
Department: From the History of Philology
Author: Oleg V. Nikitin
Information about the author: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at the Department of History of Russian and General Linguistics of the Moscow State Region University, 10A Radio Str., Moscow, 105005, Russia olnikitin@yandex.ru


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