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Absract: The article explores the relationship between distributional characteristics and semantic properties of spatial prepositions in German and Russian. It was observed that the distributional trends of these linguistic units are stable and conform to the laws, which can be objectified with the help of quantitative methods. Thus, the selectivity in the compatibility of spatial prepositions is determined by the restrictions imposed by the semantics of the preposition in the region of localization. The narrower this region, the narrower the circle of relatums used with the preposition. The degree of selectivity in the compatibility of a preposition in the compared languages does not correlate with its frequency rank: the distribution of more frequent prepositions may be more selective than the distribution of less frequent ones, and vice versa. This indicates the different nature of semantic properties that determine, on the one hand, the frequency of the preposition, and on the other, its use with the names which belong to different distribution classes.
Keywords: spatial prepositions, semantics, distribution, compatibility, frequency, quantitative methods.
Pages: 44–58
Department: Materials and Notes
Author: Larysa А. Таrasevich
Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of General Linguistics, Minsk State Linguistics University, 21 Zaharova Str., 220034 Minsk, Republic of Belarus tarassew@yandex.ru



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