PDF: http://izv-oifn.ru/images/2017-2/ 16-27-golubeva.pdf
Absract: Over the last hundred years, researchers have occasionally studied the rhythm of fictional prose as a specific issue as opposed to the poetic rhythm. The article puts forward a suggestion that Bakhtin’s ideas concerning verbal pieces of art can offer a unified approach to studying rhythm of a prosaic work, as well as to solve certain translation issues.
Keywords: prose rhythm, fictional prose, Bakhtin, translation.
Pages: 16-27
Author: Natalia I. Golubeva-Monatkina
Information about the author: Professor at the Higher School of Translation and Interpretation, of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1–51, MSU, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia golmonat@mail.ru


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