PDF: http://izv-oifn.ru/images/2017-1/5–14-dobrovolsky.pdf
Absract: This article probes into the issue whether phraseology might be of concern to grammar, and grammar — to phraseology. By posing such a question, we might appear to go against the grain, since phraseology, by definition, is a branch of lexicology. However, there are several nuances. Firstly, it’s rather frequent for phraseological units to express general meanings and thereby to perform grammatical functions. Secondly, phraseological units, as lexical units per se, are syntactically ordered from within and can be subjected to grammatical description. Hence, within the system of the Russian grammar, two points seem to be in need of clarification: (1) which meanings significant from grammatical point of view are conveyed by means of phraseology; (2) which organizing principles of the phraseological system can be accounted for by grammar. The article primarily focuses on the former of the two questions.
Keywords: phraseological unit, idiom, grammatical description, construction grammar, system‑forming meanings, communicative accentuation.
Pages: 5–14
Author: Dmitrij O. Dobrovolskij
Information about the author: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head Researcher at the V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the RAS, 18‑2 Volkhonka Str., Moscow, 119019, Russia dm‑dbrv@yandex.ru


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