PDF: http://izv-oifn.ru/articles/214/public/214-553-1-PB.pdf
Absract: The article discusses – in keeping with recent achievements in medieval literary research – the future prospects of study of Ali-Shir Nava'i’s life and works. By turning to and analyzing the phenomena of naẓira and mu‘ammā as practiced by Ali-Shir Nava’i, the article suggests the advantages of approaching the subject from the angle of comparative medieval scholarship. As the article holds, the available studies of the typologically similar phenomena in other national literatures shed new light on the medieval literary process in the Near and Middle East.
Keywords: Ali-Shir Nava’i, Turkic literatures, naẓira, non-stylized imitations, figurative language, mu‘ammā, Arabic script, comparative studies.
Pages: 5-11
Author: Alexander B. Kudelin
Information about the author: Academician of the RAS, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Scholarly Director of the Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS, 25a Povarskaya Str., Moscow 121069, Russia. abkudelin@rambler.ru


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