1. Голенищев-Кутузов И.Н. Данте в России // Голе- нищев-Кутузов И.Н. Творчество Данте и мировая культура. М.: Наука, 1971. С. 454–486. [Golenischchev- Kutuzov, Y.N. Dante v Rossii [Dante in Russia]. Golenischchev-Kutuzov, Y.N. Tvorchestvo Dante i mirovaja cultura [Dante’s Work and the World Culture]. Moscow, Nauka, 1971, pp. 454–486. (The “Literary Masterpieces” Series of the RAS).]
2. Данте Алигьери. Малые произведения / Изд. подгот. И.Н. Голенищев-Кутузов; отв. ред. М.П. Алексеев, И.Н. Голенищев-Кутузов. М.: Наука, 1968 (серия “Литературные памятники”). – 652 c. [Dante Alighieri. Malye proizvedenia. Izd. podgot. Y. N. Golenischev- Kutuzov; otv. red. M.P. Alekseev, Y.N. Golenischev- Kutuzov [Opera Minora. Chief editor Y.N. Golenischev- Kutuzov. Alekseev, M.P., Golenischev-Kutuzov, Y.N. (Ed.)]. Moscow, Nauka, 1968. 652 p.]
3. Елина Н.Г. “Новая Жизнь” как прозиметр // Дантов- ские чтения. М.: Наука, 1973. С. 186–196. [Yelina, N.G. “Novaya Jizn” kak prosimetr [“Vita Nova” as Prosimetrum]. Dantovskie chteniya [The Dante Readings]. Moscow, Nauka, 1973, pp. 186–196.]
4. Елина Н.Г. Проза “Новой Жизни” // Дантовские чте- ния. М.: Наука, 1973. С. 142–186. [Yelina, N.G. Prosa “Novoy Jizni” [The Prose of the “Vita Nova”]. Dantovskie tcnteniya [The Dante Readings]. Moscow, Nauka, 1973, pp. 142–186.]
5. Hоuston J. Building a Monument to Dante. Boccaccio as Dantista. University of Toronto Press, 2010. 272 p.
6. Petrarch & Dante: Anti-Dantism, Metaphysics, Tradi- tion. Ed. by Z. Baranski, Th. Cachey. University of Notre Dame Press, 2009. XII+414 p.
7. Dante Alighieri. La “Commedia” secondo l’antica vulgata. A cura di Giorgio Petrocchi. Vol. 1: Introduzione. Mon- dadori, 1966. 636 p. [The “Comedy” according to the early vulgate text. Giorgio Petrocchi (Ed.). Vol.1: Introduction]
8. Boccaccio editore e interprete di Dante. Atti del Conveg- no internazionale (Roma, 28–30 ottobre 2013). Roma; Salerno, 2014. 480 p. [Boccaccio editor and interpreter of Dante. International conference proceedings. Rome, 28–30 Oct. 2013]
9. Dante Alighieri. Vita nova. A cura di Guglielmo Gorni. To- rino: Einaudi, 1996. 437 p. [Vita Nova. Guglielmo Gorni (Ed.)]
10. Dante Alighieri. Vita nuova. Italian Text with Facing Eng- lish Translation. Translated by Dino S. Cervigni and Ed- ward Vasta. Softcover, Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1996. 339 p.
11. Dante Alighieri. Vita Nova. Translation, introduction, and notes by Andrew Fisardi. Evanstone, Illinois: Northwest- ern University Press, 2012. 408 p.
12. Barolini T. The case of the lost original ending of Dante’s “Vita Nuova”. More notes toward a critical philology. Medioevo letterario d’Italia. № 11. 2014. Р. 37–43.
13. Рылёва А.Н. Рецензия на книгу “Данте: pro et cont- ra” // Вопросы философии. 2013. № 2. С. 179–182. [Ryleva A.N. “Dante: Pro et Contra” (Book review). Voprosy filosofii [Problems of Philosophy]. 2013, № 2, pp. 179–182.]
14. Malato E. Dante e Guido Cavalcanti: il dissidio per la “Vita Nova” e il “disdegno” di Guido. Roma: Salerno editrice, 1997. [Dante and Guido Cavalcanti: disagreement about the “Vita Nova” and Guido’s “disdain”]
15. Данте Алигьери. Новая жизнь. Божественная Ко- медия / Пер. с ит. А. Эфроса, М. Лозинского. М.: Художественная литература, 1967 (серия “Библи- отека всемирной литературы”). [Dante Alighieri. Novaya Jizn. Bojestvennaya Komedia. Per. s ital. A. Efrosa, M. Lozinskogo [Vita Nova. Divine Comedy. Transl. by A. Efros, M. Loziski]. Moscow, Hudojestvennaya literatura, 1967. (The “Library of World Literature” Series.)]
16. Доброхотов А.Л. Данте Алигьери. М.: Мысль, 1990. 209 c. [Dobrokhotov, A. L. Dante Alighieri. Moscow: Mysl, 1990. 209 p.]
17. Dante Alighieri. Vita Nova. A cura di Stefano Carrai. Milano: B.U.R., 2009. 193 p. [Dante Alighieri. Vita Nova. Stefano Carrai (Ed.)] 18. Gragnolati M. Authorship and Performance in Dante’s “Vita nova”. Aspects of the Performative in Medieval Culture. Ed. by Manuele Gragnolati and Almut Suerbaum. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 2010. P. 123–140.
19. История литературы Италии. Т. I: Средние века / Отв. ред. М.Л. Андреев, Р.И. Хлодовский. М.: ИМЛИ РАН, “Наследие”, 2000. 590 с. [Istoriya literatury Italii. T. I: Srednie veka. Otv. red. M. L. Andreev, R.I. Khlodovskij [A History of Italian Literature. Vol. I: The Middle Ages. / Andreev, M.L., Khlodovsky, R.I. (Ed.)]. Moscow: The Institute of World Literature, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nasledie, 2000. 590 p.]
20. Dante Alighieri. Rime giovanili e della “Vita Nuova”. Cura, saggio introduttivo e introduzioni alle sin- gole rime di Teodolinda Barolini. Note di Manu- ele Gragnolati. Milano: Rizzoli, 2009. 543 p.[Poems of youth and of the “Vita Nova”. Edited ith a general introduction and introductory essays to the lyrics by Teodolinda Barolini]
21. Curtius E. R. European literature and the Latin middle ages. Princeton, 1953. 658 p.
22. Barolini T. Editing Dante’s “Rime” and Italian Cultural History: Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarca … Barbi, Contini, Foster–Boyde, De Robertis. Barolini T. Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture. New York, 2006. P. 433–441.
23. Pinto R. Il sogno del cuore mangiato (“Vita Nova” III). Quaderns d’Italià. № 13. 2008. P. 29–52. [The vision of the eaten heart (“Vita Nova” III)] 24. Santagata M. Dante. Il romanzo della sua vita. Monda- dori, 2012. 467 p. [Dante. The story of his life]
25. Fenzi E. Il “Roman de la Rose” e Dante: Dalla “Vita Nova” al “Convivio” alle macchie lunari nel canto sec- ondo del “Paradiso”. Humanistica: An international journal of early renaissance studies. Vol. IX. 2014. № 1–2. Р. 13–48. [The “Roman de la Rose” and Dante: from “Vita Nova” to “Convivio” to lunar spots in the second canto of “Paradiso”]
26. De Robertis D. Il libro della ‘Vita Nuova’. 2nd ed. Firenze, Sansoni, 1970. 289 p. [The book of the “Vita Nova”]
27. Barolini T. The Undivine Comedy: Detheologizing Dante. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1992. 368 p.